
Would You Like a Tastee-Freez?

"It happened on the way to the demolition derby" is my killer line this week.  After the Taylor's Market tryst, I stumbled upon the oldest Tastee Freez in America.  It was in the town of Aledo, IL, just a couple of miles from the Mercer County Fair Grounds, my target destination. It's hard to believe I've found the oldest soda fountain and the oldest Tastee Freez in America within the past month and that both are within an hour's drive of one another.  So, I couldn't not stop.  The owner's name is Lenny Bowlyou and we visited while I inhaled a pork tenderloin followed up with a rainbow crunch cone.  Lenny has owned the Tastee Freez for 23 years, but wants to sell it so he can retire and maybe move to a tropical location.  If you'd like to own a classic piece of Americana, then call the number on the sign.  One of the responsibilities that comes with the job is learning the names of everyone in town and keeping straight who's related to whom.  I fell in love with the ceramic cat and owl interior decor, so if you decide to buy the Tastee Freez, I insist you keep them.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, my cousin's husband was making a demolition derby come-back and that's why I was making this trip.  The derby was out-of-this-world-fun!  I didn't expect to like it that much, but it turns out that car smashing is a riot.  Josh did great until his car caught on fire, and while I know he wasn't pleased with the outcome, it provided some crazy excitement for the rest of us.  When my Ford Escort is ready to leave this world, that's how I'm taking it out.  

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